Social Media Liability

Social Media  Employers’ Liability for the Activities of Employees Social media has created many opportunities for companies to expand their business, but these opportunities have come with a new set of risks. Multiple exposures occur within the digital realm. The most common include: Harassment – That of co-workers, business partners, and customers. If an employer…

Work Happy, Get Ahead

Quick, Easy Ways to Improve your Mood & Succeed in the Workplace Being happy at work doesn’t just make you feel good—experts say that employees with a positive attitude often make money, take fewer sick days, and are more creative. When people are feeling good, something clicks in the brain that leads to more flexible…

Driving at Night

Since the time change more of us are having to drive at night.  The following is helpful information from the National Safety Council. Traffic death rates are three times greater at night than during the day, according to the National Safety Council. Yet many of us are unaware of night driving’s special hazards or don’t…