ER vs. Urgent Care

Every day, many people visit emergency rooms (ERs) that could have been better candidates for treatment at an urgent care facility. ERs and urgent care centers both offer after-hours care for unexpected medical situations that need immediate attention and determining which of these facilities is appropriate to your immediate medical needs can save you time…

Facing Grief & Loss

In a business forms of grief and loss often affect our employees.  Whether it be an employee or family member passing, or even a divorce or change in job status. Understanding grief and loss is difficult, but if we are to get through these inevitable periods in life, some understanding of their situational dynamics can…

Business Continuity

Creating A Business Continuity Plan in 5 Steps   By Bob Brody and Marc Schmittlein 44% of small businesses are operating without any type of business continuity plan, and  56% of business owners reported spending less than 10% of their time identifying and  preventing operational risks.  Quoted from Risk Management Magazine, January/February 2012 Issue, page 14 “An insurance…

Waterproof your Device

Liquipel is a revolutionary process that applies a waterproof Nano coating to your electronic devices to protect them in the event of accidental exposure to liquids. It is not visible to the human eye, virtually undetectable and Liquipel will not compromise the look, feel, and performance of your electronics. Liquipel penetrates the entire device as…

Go RED Feb 3rd

Roach Howard Smith & Barton will be supporting the American Heart Association next week January 30 thru Feb 3rd.  Employees will donate $5 per day to have a casual day.  RHSB encourages everyone to wear RED on Friday February 3, 2012.  We will end the week with a Heart Healthy potluck luncheon and share recipes.  

Stretch Healthcare Dollars

10 Ways to Stretch your Healthcare Dollars You’ve no doubt noticed that each year, your health care costs go up. This continuing trend can dramatically impact your budget. While it’s difficult to control all the factors that contribute to rising health care costs, stretching your health care dollars is easier than you think – below…